Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri
Source: Dealing with Climate Change: setting a global agenda for mitigation and adaptation Authored By R K Pachauri
The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) revealed a great deal of new scientifi c knowledge, which carries learning with a special value in a world where climate change has now come to occupy centrestage on contemporary global issues. But what has also been a major revelation is the learning that the world has been party to since the report itself was published. The major revelation of the period since November 2007, when the Synthesis Report of the last assessment was released, is the importance of information dissemination in a fi eld that clearly has a major bearing on policies related to growth and development and every sectoral activity pursued by human society. Indeed, the IPCC has been motivated in its actions by creating reports that are policy relevant without being policy prescriptive. But what has been a remarkable advance in our understanding of the role of the IPCC has been the importance of spreading the major fi ndings of the Panel’s reports in order to establish the IPCC’s policy relevance.
Publisher/Organisation: TERI Press
Publication Date: 14 January 2010