From the Desk
Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri
Source: Danger at the Dump: Mystery of the missing pencil: 56p Authored By Abhijit Sinha and Sharmila Sinha
Through the history of civilisation human beings have always been fascinated by great adventures and the unraveling of mysteries pertaining to the earth and the universe. Human society has made substantial progress in advancing the stage of knowledge in a number of fields. To a large extent, progress achieved in knowledge and its applications have generally benefitted mankind. However, some of the by-products of our production and consumption processes have led to negative consequences, which human society has either been ignorant of or indifferent to. Yet, we as human beings have to use knowledge of the future to define pathways of development which would enhance overall human welfare. Mahatma Gandhi was absolutely right when he said "A technological society has two choices. First it can wait until catastrophic failures expose systemic deficiencies, distortion checks and balances to correct for systemic distortion prior to catastrophic failures".
Publisher/Organisation: TERI Press
Publication Date: 1 January 2013