

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri

Source: TERI Energy Data Directory & Yearbook (TEDDY) 2012/13: 460p Authored By TERI Publication


As India aims to regain its economic growth momentum at the rate of about 9%, the demand for energy, particularly commercial energy, is expected to rise rapidly. Energy use, as well as its implications such as increasing dependence on fossil fuels, is a subject of growing interest and concern in the country today. The rich–poor divide is quite evident in the patterns of energy consumption. Non-commercial fuels are still predominant sources of cooking, particularly in rural areas, and have adverse effects on air quality and human health. The Government of India, in its Twelfth Five-year Plan approach, has focused on increasing the availability and affordability of, and access to, various forms of cleaner energy.

Publisher/Organisation: TERI Press

Publication Date: 1 February 2012