

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri

Source: Environmental concerns and sustainable development: some perspectives from India Authored By Sakarama Somayaji


Human society has lived for thousands of years within the bounds of development that can be defined as sustainable. However, ever since the beginning of industrialization, there has been a radical shift in production and consumption of goods and services, which has not considered the impacts of these activities on the environment and ecosystems in different parts of the world. Particularly serious is the impact of this trend on the earth’s climate and various natural resources. We, therefore, need to bring about a major transition whereby this generation and, more importantly, generations yet to come do not suffer from the ill effects of today’s development, which is clearly not sustainable. In simple terms, the definition of sustainable development relates to that form of development which allows the present generation to meet their needs without compromising on the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. If we degrade and damage the natural resources of the earth, we would not be able to derive the services that these resources provide for living, both for humans and other species. For instance, clean air and clean water are biological prerequisites for human beings to survive. However, environmental impacts of various activities are threatening these resources in a serious way.

Publisher/Organisation: TERI Press

Publication Date: 3 June 2008