Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri
Source: GRIHA Manual Vol-1 Authored By TERI
The time has come where we can no longer ignore the benefits of green building practices that have a major impact on our environment. The Government is taking appropriate steps to ensure that green building practices are mainstreamed through a mix of regulations and voluntary schemes. The National Action Plan on Climate Change has, therefore, announced a mission on sustainable habitats. In addition, the recently launched ECBC 2007 (Energy Conservation Building Code 2007), the appliance labelling programme of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, and the rating system for appraisal and clearance of large construction projects by the Ministry of Environment and Forests are some of the significant steps to move towards green buildings. Several corporate organizations and institutions have mandated the use of green practices in their new construction. Development of a holistic framework that meets all the regulatory norms and responds to the needs of diff ering agro-climatic zones in India is felt to be an urgent need. GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) was developed in response to this need.
Publisher/Organisation: TERI
Publication Date: 4 March 2010