

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri

Source: Wealth from Waste: trends and technologies(Third Edition): 460p Authored Banwari Lal


Economic development and population growth have led to a major increase in production and consumption of goods and services. There has also been a substantial increase in the generation of waste, both in magnitude and variety, emanating from the expanding cycle of production and consumption. This trend has been most pronounced in urban areas, and now that over 50% of the world’s population lives in towns and cities, the quantities and types of waste generated have grown rapidly. Rural areas have not been an exception to this global phenomenon, and with the rise in incomes and consumption levels in villages across the world, waste generation in these locations has also increased substantially. The overall effect has been that both in economic and ecological terms, costs associated with waste generation and management have increased manifold in recent years.

Publisher/Organisation: TERI Press

Publication Date: 1 January 2011