

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri

Source: Agriculture for food security and rural growth, Authored by Vibha Dhawan


The current food crisis, as a result of which prices have skyrocketed across the world, only brings to mind the need for visionaries and scientists of distinction to help come up with technological and managerial solutions to meet this growing global problem. It was indeed a visionary and brilliant scientific mind that India was fortunate to have in Dr B P Pal to lay the foundation of the Green Revolution in this country. It was Dr Pal’s remarkable scientific leadership of agricultural research and extension in this country that brought about a sea change in agricultural activity leading to progressive and rapid increase in output at a time when the world had concluded that India would forever be a country subject to famine and food scarcity for all time to come. It is a matter of pride and lasting satisfaction that India belied the prophecies of doom that many leaders and persons of distinction had pronounced in the 1960s and 70s.

Publisher/Organisation: The Energy and Resources Institute

Publication Date: 15 January 2008

Rights: TERI