Research Papers

Climate change and its implications for development: The role of IPCC assessments.

Publication Year: 2004

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports show that climate change is likely to have significant developmental consequences for all, but developing countries and the poor persons within all countries will be disproportionately affected, including impacts on agriculture, health and water. As the largest source of employment in most developing countries, impacts on agriculture and on food security are especially critical. Altered precipitation rates will also result in more frequent droughts and floods in large parts of Asia and could impact adversely on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on water and sanitation, which are linked to other MDGs. Vulnerability of agriculture and options for adaptation have only recently been studied in India in detail. These indicate serious problems for India, as there limited opportunities for changes in crops and other factors, such as unfavourable global trading regimes, limit adaptive capacity.

Source: IDS Bulletin, Open Access, Vol 35 (3,) :11 – 14p

Publisher/Organisation: Climate Change and Development