Research Papers

The IPCC: Establishing the Evidence

Publication Year: 2008

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program. Reexamination of the evidence on climate change is the basic purpose of the IPCC. The thorough, consensual, and objective manner in which these assessments are carried out provides solid credibility for the findings. One example: the IPCC nominated close to 2,000 experts to compile the Fourth Assessment Report.? From this group it appointed about 600. The first draft was prepared and reviewed by other experts. On the basis of this review, the authors prepared the second draft, which went the rounds of expert and and government reviews. Following this second review, the authors prepared the final draft along with a synthesis of the report for policymakers. These two sets of documents were approved by the working group that oversaw the preparation of the report and by the IPCC as a whole.

Source: Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto, Edited by Ernesto Zedillo: 237 Pages

Publisher/Organisation: Brookings Institution Press