Short Communications

The need for all round excellence within TERI

Publication Date: 19 April 2012

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri


This is a period when I carry out the annual appraisal of TERI colleagues. This whole exercise is also a learning experience for me, because I get acquainted with all the initiatives in hand which colleagues have endeavoured to launch. â€¯What is particularly significant is the fact even though TERI has a common culture, there are significant differences in the way colleagues in TERI imbibe that culture and use it for planning and implementing the activities which they are responsible for. Often I am quite amazed at the innovative spirit that several colleagues display not only in defining activities that they take up but also in ensuring adequate financial support from a variety of sources. However, I do feel that all of us must develop some skills for strategizing and conceptualizing quickly what needs to be done beyond the immediate future. The other area in which I feel we have to be innovative is in looking at potential sources of financial support. It surprises me that several colleagues who should be looking at the agenda and priorities of a number of foundations across the world which might support our work actually fail to do so. It is critically important that we develop the ability to identify sources of financial support and develop relationships, which would help us. 

Publisher/Organisation: TERI

Source: TERI Intranet