Short Communications

This season of appraisals and financial target setting

Publication Date: 25 April 2011

Author(s): Rajendra K Pachauri


This is the period of the year when colleagues in TERI generally experience two sets of concerns. The first deals with the appraisal process and its outcome in terms of rewards for each individual. Let me say that in general TERI staff have been performing better and better, even though in some cases there is a basis for disappointment. But, as a philosophy I believe that people must be given an opportunity to discover themselves and the real talent they have within themselves, which often needs a process of laboured discovery. I think every person in TERI should be treated with positive expectations and a fair amount of perseverence in helping a person discover his or her inner strengths. I have seen a large number of professionals blossom when initially their growth seemed stunted and stagnant. The purpose of the appraisal process is to reward those who have found their true potential and are utilizing it effectively and to help motivate others to make larger efforts in the future. 

Publisher/Organisation: TERI

Source: TERI Intranet