Farmer as backbone to a prosperous India
- CMYK Printech Ltd | 2015
Source: Pioneer
India's goal should have been to become an agriculture-oriented country. And since it is not, a new agricultural policy should be put in place so that farmers get access to irrigation facilities, markets, infrastructure etc.
Navigating a new path of development
- CMYK Printech Ltd | 2015
Source: Pioneer
India's Intended Nationally Determined Contributions for the Paris summit must be seen as an opportunity to define a development trajectory that’s distinctly different from that of the developed countries.
Emission reduction as a way to save society
- CMYK Printech Ltd | 2015
Source: The Pioneer
India's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution has received favourable comments from other countries, but perhaps inadequate dissemination of its contents domestically has resulted in limited attention and debate within the country. As conveyed...
Bringing innovation to the centre-stage
- CMYK Printech Ltd | 2015
Source: Pioneer
In today's world, we need a high level of education and capable institutions to promote new ideas, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI
Not resource-intensive, but resource-efficient
- CMYK Printech Ltd | 2015
Source: The Pioneer
The Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, crafted by India, should be used as the foundation for a dialogue to define a more sustainable pattern of economic growth. We mustn't follow the Western modelIndia adopted a forward-looking policy in t...
Of natural disasters and climate change
- CMYK Printech Ltd | 2015
Source: The Pioneer
The sharp rise in extreme weather events, like the floods in Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir, cannot just be attributed to human factors. Climate change has in fact increased the number and severity of natural disasters.Albert Einstein said, "Problem...
Close to touching the edge of a rainbow
- CMYK Printech Ltd | 2015
Source: Pioneer
Technological advancements have made renewable energy-based lighting systems so cost-effective that the latter can now be introduced in villages, where there is no electricity and no prospect of grid-based power.
Let’s clear the air with more renewables
- HT Media Ventures Limited | 2015
Source: The Hindustan Times
President Barack Obama's visit to India will cover a range of issues. In the wake of the killings in Paris, terrorism would be high on the agenda, but given Obama's emphasis on dealing with climate change during his second term as president, it too w...
The Winds Of Change Are A Blowin’
- BW Online Bureau | 2015
Source: Business World
The international agreement in Paris is important in itself, but the world would require the involvement of all stakeholders if we wish to stick to the 2oC limit of temperature increase by the end of the century. That would involve actions at the in...
Dealing with hot air
- Indian Express Group | 2014
Source: Indian Express
Adaptation alone will not help in meeting the climate change challenge. We need cost-effective mitigation strategies.