Research papers
Oil in India's energy future
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2005
Source: Seminar 555, November 2005: 52-56p.
WAY back in 1985 I authored a book on the global oil market, The Political Economy of Global Energy (Johns Hopkins University Press). The publishers, who were extremely enthusiastic about the book, produced a larger than usual print run. But soon aft...
Carbon trading and energy in transition
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2005
Source: Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) Quarterly 2 (2): 1-6p.
Abstract not available
Climate and Humanity (View Point)
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2004
Source: Global Environmental Change Part A, 14(2): 101-103p.
Dealing with the subject of climate change and humanity would require focusing on the earth as a whole.
Climate change and its implications for development: The role of IPCC assessments.
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2004
Source: IDS Bulletin, Open Access, Vol 35 (3,) :11 – 14p
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports show that climate change is likely to have significant developmental consequences for all, but developing countries and the poor persons within all countries will be disproportionately affe...
The future of India’s economic growth: the natural resources and energy dimension
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2004
Source: Futures, Vol 36(6–7):703-713p.
Futures Volume 36, Issues 6–7, August–September 2004, Pages 703-713
National energy policy: India
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2004
Source: Encyclopedia of Energy : 141-157p.
In India, several committees appointed by the government to review energy policy from time to time have emphasized the need for a nationally coordinated approach to energy policy formulation.
The Mental Component of the Earth System
- W. Lucht. Rajendra K Pachauri | 2004
Source: Earth System Analysis for Sustainability: 340-365p.
This chapter explores how the mental component of the Earth system functions and interacts with the physical and biological systems of the planet.
Environment - India 2025 CPR 2004
- Rajendra K Pachauri , Shaleen Singhal, Harpreet S Kandra | 2004
Source: India 2025: Social, Economic and Political Stability: 370-403p.
The rapid increase in population and economic development have led to severe environmental degradation that undermines the environmental resource base upon which sustainable development depends.
Energy policy for high economic growth in India
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2004
Source: ADB India Economic Bulletin II(1): 17-26p.
Abstract not available
Fuelling the dream: India can take a different trajectory in the energy sector
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 2003
Source: The Week (Anniversary Special): 44-47p.
The evolution of India as a superpower in 2020 presupposes rapid economic growth in the intervening period.