Research papers
The Clean Development Mechanism: Some Developing Country Perspectives
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1998
Source: The Energy Journal Vol. 19(1): 16-19p.
The Protocol adopted at Kyoto came after a prolonged period of negotiations including two prior Conferences of the Parties (COPS) at Berlin and Geneva, respectively, and several other meetings of subsidiary bodies, such as the Adhoc Group on the Ber...
Some early next steps
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1998
Source: Climate Change Post Kyoto Perspective from the South: 139-152p.
Between Geneva and Kyoto, the world has witnessed a great deal of sparring activity between the different pugilists involved in the process. Even among the Annex I countries, sharp divisions did emerge, which, in some sense, detracted from the path t...
Greenhouse Policy Architectures and Institutions (Comments)
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1998
Source: Economics and Policy Issues in Climate Change: 159-164p.
Abstract not available
Renewable sources of energy: prospects and policies
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1998
Source: Yojana Vol. 42(1): 23-26p.
Renewable sources of energy have been used on a large scale in every country of the world prior to scientific and technological developments that brought into existence large scale use of coal and hydrocarbons.
Preservation of environment: an input to development
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1998
Source: Yojana 42(8): 35-39p.
After 50 years of independence the country needs to carry out some soul searching and arrive at the details and contours of a new perspective.
Economics of energy use in agriculture
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1998
Source: Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 53 (3): 213-222
The subject of the economics of energy use in agriculture has generally received very little attention from economists in this country.
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1997
Source: Technology in Society, Vol 19(1): 85-88p.
The most critical areas for collaboration, particularly from the point of view of preserving the eco-systems of this planet and the global environment, relate to the entire energy cycle in a rapidly industrializing world and in protecting the environ...
Deforestation and desertification in developing countries
- Rajendra K Pachauri, R S Kanetkar | 1997
Source: Environment, Energy and Economy: Strategies for Sustainability: 71-90p.
This paper takes a fresh look at two of the major environmental hazards affecting the planet
Commentary: The IPCC Energy Assessment
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1997
Source: Energy Policy, Vol, 24 (10/11): 1013-1015p.
A great deal of useful material has been presented in the papers covering energy issues dealt with by the IPCC.
Critical environmental issues in India: the scope for Indo-German cooperation (Wichtige Umweltfragen in Indien: Spielraum für deutsch-indische Zusammenarbeit).
- Rajendra K Pachauri | 1997
Source: Indien in der Gegenwart Band II(1-2): 83-92
India completes 50 years of independence this year, and if an evaluation was to be attempted of these first 50 years of India as an independent nation, several major achievements stand out prominently.